About BagBee

BagBee and its founders

BagBee is a remote check-in service which offers passengers with Icelandair and Play airlines the option of checking in their luggage before heading to the airport. The travellers then don´t have to carry their bags to the airport and they skip the check-in line. BagBee takes care of the bags, delivers them safely to Keflavik airport and hands them over via the bag drop system in KEF to Icelandair and Play who get the bags on board the flight.

BagBee works in partnerships with the airlines Icelandair and Play and in co-operation with the Icelandic airport authorities.

BagBee was founded in 2022 by Valgeir Bjarnason and Rúnar Árnason. Their experience from the travel industry, aviation and business management, ignited the idea for the BagBee bagdrop service. They wanted to offer more comfort for travellers than had previously been available. Their experience, connections in the tourism industry, including Icelandair and Play airlines, helped facilitate a fast start-up. A few months later the bee took flight and is now always ready to assist passengers and take care of their bags.

Bags are our business

BagBee specializes in baggage services, including luggage transport, luggage storage etc. It´s core focus is however remote check-in services which BagBee offers to airline passengers flying with Icelandair and Play airlines. BagBee operates in partnership with Icelandair and Play and the BagBee check-in system is linked with their check-in systems. That means that BagBee offers real time baggage check-in and the passenger gets the check-in confirmation and bag-tags from the airline systems.

BagBee´s founders have over two decades experience in the aviation industries and already have checked in thousands of bags for airline passengers. Additionally, BagBee´s sister company has specialized in baggage storage solutions for over a decade and stores thousands of bags each year for travellers in Iceland. We can therefore state that BagBee´s founders are specialists in their field and can be counted on when handling luggage for it´s customers.

BagBee strives to provide good and quick service as well as to provide clear answers regarding the luggage bag drop services and the check-in. Our customers are happy with the services we have provided as can be seen on our Trustpilot review page.

BagBee in the media

The Icelandic media showed interest in BagBee when the bee took off to do it´s work. The bag drop check-in service that BagBee offers is not only new in Iceland but Iceland was only the 4th country in Europe to offer the service. Many people were surprised that a 3rd party company would be allowed to check-in bags for flights but the surprise changed to understanding when they realized that BagBee is effectively a handling company, working in co-operation with Icelandair, Play airlines and Keflavik airport authorities. BagBee is subject to audits and reviews to maintain the quality and security needed.


The founders, Valgeir Bjarnason (valgeir@bagbee.is) and Rúnar Árnason (runar@bagbee.is) are also the CEO and COO of BagBee. Collectively they have decades of experience from the travel industry, aviation and business management.

They founded BagBee in 2022 and began operations in the beginning of 2023.

Contact us

Rúnar Árnason

COO - Tel: +354 6983808

Valgeir Bjarnason

CEO - Tel: +354 8211120